Friday, August 12, 2011

What is Accutane?

Vitamin A is synthesized to form an acne remedy called Accutane. It is used to manage serious forms of acne that can cause scarring. It is the topic of widespread litigation since there is a long list of side effects which include birth defects, inflammatory bowel disease, and even suicide, which has led to numerous Accutane Lawsuits.

Get your free Accutane report including Accutane recall information.

The international corporation 'The La Roche Group' owns U.S. based Hoffman La Roche who manufactures Accutane. This group has affiliates in 150 countries and is calculated to be the seventh largest pharmaceutical company in the world. Accutane is one of the top sellers and it is estimated that it brings in annual sales of over $1.2 billion. It is also certainly one of three drugs available on the market which has some of the most adverse reports of side effects and is now involved in extensive litigation of Accutane Lawsuits.

One of the oral medications used for this treatment of serious acne is known as isotretinoin, or Accutane. It is used for patients who haven't found success with other treatments. It was originally used as a chemotherapy agent for cancer patients since it was so strong. Researchers noticed it also worked on whiteheads, red pimples, and blackheads relating to acne.

There are an estimated 5,000 personal injury lawsuits filed against Roche Pharmaceuticals for inadequately warning patients of the risk of problems connected to the medication. The main risk is definitely an inflammatory bowel disease which has caused colon removal. Additional Accutane Lawsuits are filed because of the increased risk of psychiatric side effects, suicidal thoughts and further gastrointestinal disorders.

Roche Pharmaceuticals pulled Accutane from the U.S. market in June 2009. They cited reduced sales as a result of competition from generic drugs as the main reason for removing the drug, but at the time they were faced with a number of lawsuits claiming the corporation failed to give proper warnings concerning the possible dangers of the medication. February 2010 was when the manufacturer had to pay more than $25 million to a man who had inflammatory bowel disease a few years after he used the medicine. This is one of the many Accutane Lawsuits the pharmaceutical company has been faced with.

You can read more Accutane side effects articles here.

Roche Pharmaceuticals has appealed most of the judgements for injury causing inflammatory bowel disease stating no link to Accutane has been proven. For over twenty years there has been a product label warning about this condition reported by Roche Pharmaceuticals.

Just about all the suits filed against the pharmaceutical company focus on the fact that there were no proper warnings within the labels for potential side effects when using Accutane. Roche Pharmaceuticals lost the first six cases tried in court with settlements reaching slightly over $56 million. At any given time there are usually around 1,000 Accutane Lawsuits pending in federal and state courts across the country.

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